Land Body Ecologies at COP28
30 November – 12 December 2023
Once again we are attending the Climate Change Conference in a collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) supported by the Wellcome Trust to highlight how climate change and health are intimately linked, and how art can help communicate this.
Invisible Flock has designed and curated the WHO space at COP28, the Health Pavilion. Additionally to this, a wider LBE delegation of team members and collaborators will host a panel discussion at the Health Pavilion and will also speak at a series of events throughout the conference's 2-week programme.
Representing LBE on the ground
Sylvia Kokunda of Action for Batwa Empowerment Group – ABEG, from LBE's Bwindi Hub (Uganda)
Cindy Kobei of Ogiek People’s Development Program – OPDP, from LBE's Mau Forest Hub (Kenya)
Laetania Belai Djandam, Indigenous environmental activist descending from the Dayak Tribe of Borneo Island, Climate Officer at Health Care Without Harm Asia and LBE collaborator
Samrawit Gougsa of Minority Rights Group, from London Hub (UK)
Victoria Pratt of Invisible Flock, from London Hub (UK)
Ben Eaton of Invisible Flock, from London Hub (UK)
Artworks featured in COP28's Health Pavilion
Vandria Borari Yupirungáwa, 2023
The Crying Place, 2023, produced by Invisible Flock with Joni Odochao, Siwakorn Odochao, Jennifer Katanyoutanant, and Land Body Ecologies, and mastered by Simon Scott
Jenni Laiti and Carl-Johan Utsi Teardrops of our Grandmother, 2023
Jenni Laiti and Victoria Pratt Collective grieving to heal trauma in the land and body, 2023
Kasia Molga How to Become Wholesome, 2022
Invisible Flock and Jon Bausor Bodies Joined by a Molecule of Air, 2022
Read about the design and each artwork here.
LBE Programme
All events will be streamed live online, so you can join us from afar.
2 December: 16:45 GST in Dubai (12:45 GMT)
Climate and health: How can policy address health impacts of climate change and air pollution?
Hosted by: InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and Save the Children
Includes LBE speaker: Victoria Pratt
Venue: SE Room 6, Blue Zone
Recorded session:
3 December: 11:30–12:30 GST (07:30–08:30 GMT)
How does climate change affect our health
Hosted by: COP28 Presidency, WHO and Wellcome Trust Includes
LBE Speaker: Laetania Belai Djandam
Venue: B7 Global Climate Action – Action Arena, Al Wakri, Room 2, Blue Zone
Link to watch: https://unfccc.int/event/how-does-climate-change-affect-our-health
5 December:13:30–14:45 GST (09:30–10:30 GMT)
Community-led research for Indigenous health in a changing climate
Hosted by: Land Body Ecologies (Minority Rights Group and Invisible Flock)
Speakers line up: Pratima Gurung, Cindy Kobei, Sylvia Kokunda, and Nicole Redvers (video submission); moderated by Samrawit Gougsa
Venue: Health Pavilion, Blue Zone, B7, Building 89
Link to watch: https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2023/11/30/default-calendar/cop28-health-pavilion
Additionally to events LBE will participate in, you can also follow online the Health Pavilion’s entire programme during the conference, through this link.